As I promised, here is the master plan for my garden.
The I drew this in a scale of 1/2 inch = 1 foot.
We will be hanging the tomatoes from the top of the balcony.
Garden Plan
My first experience in urban gardening was small but important. My obsession with gardening started when I was studying abroad in Northern England. I lived in an old Victorian house that prior to having a bunch of homeless students moving in was a nursery school. Sadly the landlord didn't keep the front or the back yard maintained. One frustrating morning I took my scissors to the front flowers and pulled out all the weeds. My house mates thought their American was quite crazy, but really "who wants an untidy from yard". That spring we all took our scissors to the back yard and had a lovely BBQ. Canned hot dogs and all. When I win the lottery I plan to buy this house and restore it to is original beauty.
After that, I had a nice little plot at my first apartment in Long Beach, CA. I grew tomatoes there and a cat lived in the bushes. In Philadelphia I had a plot with my neighbor in the community garden. We grew a bit of everything there. New Haven, CT and Los Angeles, CA brought window gardens and fruit flies. Finally when I got married my husband and I moved into a place with a balcony. It was here that I realized my love of gardening. This garden was mainly geraniums (started by my dad from cuttings) a some succulents. My partner in crime is below. His name is Scruffy and he is always trying to eat my seedlings and new transplants.