Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Pests, Updates, and First Harvests.

Surprise. Surprise. I have pests. Up until now my biggest pest has been my dog
(Fresh potting soil is soooo delicious).

My big question is… how did they find me and how do I get them to go away.?

The other day I went out to the garden and my plants were covered with aphids. They are hungry and sticky little suckers. I have white, green and red ones. It's a rainbow of friends. I also have powdery mold and green caterpillars on the cucumbers.

Not wanting to add harsh chemical pesticides to my garden, I am experimenting with other solutions.  I originally planted marigolds around the tomatoes in order to discourage caterpillars (I learned this last year after they ravaged my tomatoes) but they haven't bloomed yet. 

One of my gardening books(Gayla Trail) has loads of recipes for homemade pesticides and moldicides. Her recipes use natural ingredients so they are safe to use around kids and pets. I have tried two of them. 

I made one solution for the mold. It was a combination of water, Murphy's Oil Soap, and baking soda. It worked well and most of the mold went away. I will have to spray again as the mold is coming back. 
Making a homemade pesticide from natural ingredients.

The aphids are very stubborn and I am trying several things to see what happens. 
1. Pesticide. I made a homemade solution of brewed coffee, thyme, and Murphy oil soap.  I'm not sure how well this worked. I am thinking that maybe my spray bottle doesn't spray enough of the solution. (I used a travel size sprayer)
2. Garlic. My mom suggested that I plant garlic around the infected areas as that worked in her garden. I stuck several cloves that I found in the fridge here and there. They are now happily growing and I am seeing less aphids in those areas.
3. Marigolds My husband said his father suggested Marigolds. Since I know that caterpillars hate them I bought a bunch of them. They are now scattered throughout the containers like little soldiers. The caterpillars are gone but aphids are still hanging out. Too bad marigolds aren't carnivorous.
4. Praying Mantis.  I haven't gone this far yet, but may buy a couple Mantis egg sacks so that they will hatch and eat all those nasty bugs. My only concern is that I'm not sure what introducing a couple thousand baby mantis to my garden will do. I'll keep you posted.

As for the garden. Things are growing. The cilantro and basil are very happy. The lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers are doing well and I have a couple small lemons developing on the tree.

The okra is sad. It is trying very hard to grow but I don't think the weather is right.  The peppers are touch and go. I moved them to more sun with less water and they seam happier. The banana pepper seems to be very happy while the other two are just hanging out waiting for conditions to improve. 
Sad okra (Left), Happy Lemon tree with lettuce (Right)

The tomatoes are doing well. I'm surprised by the hanging tomatoes. In all those "Topsy Turvy" commercials the tomatoes grow straight down. My tomatoes  are trying to defy gravity by growing up toward the sky. I thought they would just grow straight (i.e down). Is this the same reason our eucalyptus trees don't grow straight here like they do in Australia? Just a thought.

Finally the first harvest. We had a nice salad the other night with fresh lettuce. We were both surprised at how flavorful and tangy it was. About a week later I got my first cucumber. I think the pot its growing in is the main reason for its success as its self watering so the cucumbers are always getting the water they need. Growing up we tried growing cucumbers and never succeed. They were always eaten by slugs or burned by the sun.   (BTW. when I called the local nursery about buying lady bugs and praying mantis they said they also carried carnivorous slugs. They are slugs that eat all the slugs that eat your garden. Interesting.)

Fresh lettuce from the garden.

My first home grown cucumber..... ever.

Happy Gardening and tune in next time for...

Projects and resources!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Spring has sprung, planted and spouted!

 Spring has sprung down here in Long Beach. About two months ago I had a seed planting party. We spent an afternoon labeling, sorting, planting our seeds, and of course drinking champagne to quench our thirst.  

According to the planters guide one is supposed plant their seeds after the last freeze. After a bit of math( and the fact that Long Beach doesn't freeze) it was determined that I was to plant my seeds the end of January/ start of February.  My seeds came from several different venders( Urbanfarmers.com, Home Depot and Burpee) . We decided to plant the following:

Heirloom Mortgage Lifter Tomato
Patio Princess Tomato
Big Beef Tomato
Better Boy
Jalepeno Peppers
Sweet Banana Peppers
Butter Lettuce
Mixed Lettuce.
Carrot(Not yet Planted)
Celery( Not yet Planted)

My collection of recycled paper goods for planting.
We used all three or the containers I mentioned earlier. I found that the Starbucks cups worked best. I really liked the idea of the toilet paper rolls and the egg cartons but they dried out quickly. I planted the marigolds and the lettuces in the rolls and cartons. They all sprouted ok, but then quickly wilted and died.  I think they would have worked better if  one, they were used in a more moist climate(Northern CA),  and two I had spritzed them  with water every day. We had a bit of a heat wave down here that really dried things out and we haven't had much rain (I'm looking forward to fire season, aren't you?)

22 of my 24 Tomatoes sprouted and are growing strong. The peppers on the other hand are having a hard time. They wouldn't sprout outside (to cold?) so I put them inside in the window. They sprouted there but I may have watered them to much. They are still very tiny. The herbs are having similar problems.  To hot. To cold. To wet. To dry. Plants can be picky. I guess thats why nurseries grow them in greenhouses in controlled environments.    I am still working on my peppers but  I also bought a couple at our local nursery just  in case they don't pull through. My husband and I have a master plan of making hot pickled okra this summer so he can perfect his bloody mary making skills. 
Planting Party!

All planted and ready to grow!

Growing tomato varieties.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Gardens Past and Future

As I promised, here is the master plan for my garden.
The I drew this in a scale of 1/2 inch = 1 foot.
We will be hanging the tomatoes from the top of the balcony.
Garden Plan
My first experience in urban gardening was small but important. My obsession with gardening started when I was studying abroad in Northern England. I lived in an old Victorian house that prior to having a bunch of homeless students moving in was a nursery school. Sadly the landlord didn't keep the front or the back yard maintained. One frustrating morning I took my scissors to the front flowers and pulled out all the weeds. My house mates thought their American was quite crazy, but really "who wants an untidy from yard". That spring we all took our scissors to the back yard and had a lovely BBQ. Canned hot dogs and all. When I win the lottery I plan to buy this house and restore it to is original beauty.
After that, I had a nice little plot at my first apartment in Long Beach, CA. I grew tomatoes there and a cat lived in the bushes.  In Philadelphia I had a plot with my neighbor in the community garden. We grew a bit of everything there. New Haven, CT and Los Angeles, CA brought window gardens and fruit flies. Finally when I got married my husband and I moved into a place with a balcony. It was here that I realized my love of gardening. This garden was mainly geraniums (started by my dad from cuttings) a some succulents. My partner in crime is below. His name is Scruffy and he is always trying to eat my seedlings and new transplants.